Monday, February 14, 2011

What Happened? (1952-1971)

What cataclysmic shift occurred in this time that forever changed the attitudes of Americans? While it would be a huge generalization to say that just one thing changed everything, it would be hard to overlook the pivotal role drugs had in this time. Prior to this, times were straight and rigid, a counterculture aspect of society had not really taken hold in America.

The fifties were wholesome and rooted in the very stringent ideals of generations before. I believe that the counter culture movement started truly gaining steam at the time of the Vietnam War. People were generally upset with some of the motivations and actions taking place in that land, and for once people weren't afraid to stand up for what they believed in. Grass root campaigns that were fervently against what the war meant started to sprout up across the United States, thus the counter culture movement started to blossom.

With this new atmosphere of defying the norm, people started experimenting with things that were new and different. The idea of doing what you wanted to do started to spread across the states, and what people wanted to do was drugs. This experimentation started leaking into even more popular culture after its inception, where it ended up in mass media. In movies, you could see a dramatic increase in the vibrancy of colors and sounds that were not as prevalent in the decades prior. Characters started to lose  their roots in the real world and became more abstract.

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